Recently I have been drawing many of my flies for fishing lately. I like how they transform from a tiny little “lure” to a large object in a still life.
Most I draw are ones I’ve made and some I buy because of their sculptural value.
My friend Kevin tied some pretty cool nymph flies made of the fibers of pheasant tail with a large bead made of magnesium on the hook suspended where the bugs thorax would be.
Using the scraps of euro plywood, I then sand the drawing surface and cut them to size the wood is like drawing paper but really thick and adds its own natural ground to the drawn image.
I need to make about ten more of the drawing to get enough ready for the annual Post-Post card show at the gallery space in san Francisco called The Lab.
I really enjoy getting lost in the structure of the Flies, there like tiny sculptures to begin with. The process of drawing them reminds me of Robert Irwin’s book title “Seeing Is Forgetting The Name Of The Thing One Sees’.”